Друзья, приветствую.
В этот четверг (28/06/2018) в Москве я буду рассказывать про нейроны человека и чем они отличаются от нейронов мыши. В двух словах, есть отличия. Именно их мы и пытаемся понять и связать с функцией мозга.
Семинар будет проходит в Высшей Школе Экономики в Москве с 14:00 до 15:00. Адрес: Армянский пер., 4, комн. 118. Рассказывать я буду на английском, но могу поболтать на русском после. Официальная тема и аннотация ниже:
H-channels contribute to divergent electrophysiological properties of supragranular pyramidal neurons in human versus mouse cerebral cortex
It might seem that human neurons are very similar with the other mammals. All mammals posses 6 layer cerebral cortex responsible for memory, attention, language and consciousness. But if the basic cortical architecture is the same in humans and other mammals, what makes human neurons special? This question is complicated and has potentially many answers. In this work we looked into the single neuron properties of mouse and human cortical neurons. Gene expression studies suggest that differential ion channel expression contributes to differences in rodent versus human neuronal physiology. We tested whether h-channels more prominently contribute to the physiological properties of human compared with mouse supragranular pyramidal neurons. Single cell/nucleus RNA sequencing revealed ubiquitous HCN1-subunit expression in excitatory neurons in human, but not mouse supragranular layers. Using patch-clamp recordings we found greater h-channel-related membrane properties in supragranular pyramidal neurons in human temporal cortex, compared with mouse pyramidal neurons in temporal association area. The magnitude of these differences depended upon cortical depth and was largest in pyramidal neurons in deep L3. Additionally, pharmacologically blocking h-channels produced a larger change in membrane properties in human compared with mouse neurons. Finally, using biophysical modeling, we provided evidence that h-channels promote the transfer of theta frequencies from dendrite-to-soma in human L3 pyramidal neurons. Thus, h-channels contribute to between-species differences and are a fundamental property of human neurons.